Summer Camp Registration is now open! June 9 - Aug 1st

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For children ages 3 and 4 entering Preschool and Pre-K in the fall. Move and Play Camps are specially designed with the youngest campers in mind. These camps are focused on developmentally appropriate play, learning and exploration led by experienced Early Childhood teachers.

All Move & Play campers must be able to use the toilet independently. We require new campers and children who have never been in a full day program to sign up for at least 2 consecutive weeks of camp.

CAMP TIMES: Monday through Friday 9:00am-3:00pm.
Before Care (8:30am-9:00am) $10/day
After Care (3:00pm-5:00pm) $25/day

COST: $350 per week with no additional fees for materials. Financial aid available. ECECD Child Care Assistance subsidies accepted. 


Week 1 – Color, Paint, and Pop

June 9 – June 13     Cost of Camp $350

Exploring color in a multitude of different ways: Painting, whisking soapy bubbles, squishing colored clay, grinding chalk, and many hands-on projects will lead us through this colorful week. Let’s get together and see the beauty of color around us.
Lead Teacher: Kati Novak

Week 2 – Bug Out!

June 16 – June 20    Cost of Camp $350

Exploring the world of tiny critters: We will use our senses to find evidence of the small animal life around us. Crawling visitors are welcome! Hands-on crafts, stories, songs, and play will help us discover how these tiny little beings are part of our ecosystem and part of our larger world family.
Lead Teacher: Kati Novak

Week 3 -Magical Creatures

June 23 – June 27    Cost of Camp $350

Let the magic begin! Through hands-on projects, art, play, stories and song, campers will be able to let their imaginations run free. We will build fairy houses, make wands, crowns and power necklaces. Color, magic, and rainbows will rule this week of fun exploration and social play.
Lead Teacher: Kati Novak

Week 4 – Under Construction

July 7 – July 11     Cost of Camp $350

Construction, building and play: Campers will explore structures of all kinds, animal and man-made, and have opportunities to build their own. Using blocks, found materials, rocks, twigs,and mud, we will explore sculpture and form. Can we recreate a bird’s nest? The Eiffel tower? An elf’s home? Come find out!
Lead Teacher: Kati Novak

Week 5 – Ooey-Gooey Art

July 14 – July 18   Cost of Camp $350

Wonderfully messy art mediums: We’ll sink our hands deeply into gak, playdough, mud, and more. Children will have the opportunity to use their senses to explore, twist, shape, squeeze, and play. We will discover the many ways to express ourselves through shape, texture, exploration, and fun!
Lead Teacher: Kati Novak

Santa Fe School of Arts & Sciences - Preschool students play with shaving cream

Week 6 – Mad Science and Inventions

July 21 – July 25   Cost of Camp $350

Mixing, pouring, and exploring: We will become scientists as we explore “what happens when…?” Campers will have the opportunity to experiment with their own concoctions as well as hands-on activities to make slime, gak and other fun mixtures.
Lead Teacher: Kati Novak

Week 7 – Superheroes Camp

July 28 – August 1   Cost of Camp $350

Every kid is a superhero! Create your superhero name and develop your superhero identity! Discover your special superpowers! Create your own superhero costume and mask! Learn about and practice “supervalues” by working together with other superkids! At the end of the week, we will have a superkids certification ceremony (friends and family can attend!).
Lead Teacher: Kati Novak