Summer Camp Registration is now open!

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Aftercare starts on Wednesday, August 21st. Save money when you sign up for regular pre-paid aftercare for the Fall Semester! More enrichment programs will be offered soon!
Enrichment classes start on Thursday, August 21st, and runs through Thursday, December 19th.
Register for regular aftercare and Enrichment Classes HERE.
Pre-Pay HERE for Drop-In After Care.

Marimba with Daniel

For 1st-6th Grade

Daniel’s classes focus mainly on learning traditional and contemporary repertoire from and inspired by the people of Zimbabwe. Students will also learn rhythmic and melodic fundamentals that can be applied to any style of music. Children do not need any background in music to join this afterschool music group. Marimba is a great way to get children connected to rhythm and movement as they also learn to work together as an ensemble.

1st-6th Grade: Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 $480

Soccer with Bret

For 1st-4th Grade

Join Bret and your friends after school to play soccer! This program provides students the opportunity to play and learn about soccer, get bodies moving, and engage them in teamwork.

Wednesdays 3:30-4:30 $400

Fiber Arts with Jessica

For Grades 5th-8th Grade

Come explore the fascinating and tactile world of fiber arts. Whether you have experience with knitting, crocheting, or weaving or don’t know the difference between floss and yarn, all are welcome! We will explore weaving, macrame, felting, knitting, crocheting, and learn about fiber, natural dyes, and spinning. Jessica will guide students through a variety of techniques and students will create unique and personal projects.

Wednesdays 3:45-5:30 $450 (no class on Sep 18)

Piano with Kirsten “Miles”

For 1st – 8th Grade

Piano lessons offer your child an opportunity to develop musicality, fine motor control, personal expression, self-discipline, and positive self-esteem, along with the ability to overcome challenges through problem solving, persistence, and dedication. Learn the basics of note reading, piano technique, and music theory.  Find joy and meaning in the music as well as in the process of learning to play the piano.

Kirsten “Miles” Lawson has been teaching for 15 years in Santa Fe and this will be her 10th year at Arts & Sciences.  Miles is a classically trained pianist with a bachelor’s degree in arts with a focus on music from Antioch College and a musical theater performance certificate from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy.

Tuesdays Cost: $181.90 per month (paid to Miles). 30 min lesson slots from 3pm-5pm.

To Register for Piano Lessons, contact Miles directly for time slots available and payment. 505-310-2682 or

Tang Soo Do with Hellen

For Grades 3rd-6th

Tang Soo Do is a traditional Korean martial art that teaches punching, kicking, self-defense skills and forms. At its foundation are the seven tenets of tang soo do: integrity, concentration, perseverance, respect and obedience, humility, self-control, and indomitable spirit. Benefits of tang soo do training include self-confidence and self-esteem, physical fitness and balance, discipline and respect, all while having fun and building friendships.

Hellen Adcock has been practicing tang soo do for five years and is a cho dan (first degree black belt). She is an instructor under Master Bruce Finger at Raven Tang Soo Do in Santa Fe, NM. She has experience working with elementary and middle school students, and is basic life support (BLS) certified.

Thursdays  3:30-4:30 $425