Support the Change YOU want to see in the WorlD
Nineteen years ago, a group of dedicated parents sought to make a difference in the way children experience education. They envisioned an environment that nurtured children from all walks of life, a school where kids love to learn and teachers love to teach, where students learn the power of being citizens, not simply consumers, and where citizenship and service transform lives.
That vision became Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences, an independent, not-for-profit expeditionary learning school. Today 130 children, ages 3 to 14, are authentically engaged in the learning process and learn by designing and constructing actual solutions to real life problems, investigating subject matter such as literacy, immigration and global carbon footprint. Arts & Sciences deliberately creates a school culture that empowers students to take risks and see their own potential, believing that a culture of respect creates a culture of achievement.
We always strive to keep tuition affordable and to make our school accessible to families in need through our financial aid program. Tuition and fees cover 85% of the school’s expenses. The remaining 15% is paid for by summer camp revenue, the yearly Endowment Fund distribution, and the Annual Fund. These resources provide essential support for our financial aid program, classroom expeditions, campus improvements, and professional development for our faculty.
The Annual Fund helps ensure that the school is strong each year, while the Endowment Fund builds a strong foundation for years to come. The Annual Fund supports the annual operating budget and thereby benefits current students each year. The Endowment Fund benefits current students through the annual Endowment Fund distribution, and future students by building a fund that is held in perpetuity to benefit the long-term sustainability of our school.
Thank you for considering a gift to Arts & Sciences!
If you have any questions, please call Perli Cunanan, Executive Director at 505-660-8820 or perli@santafeschool.org